Laboratories are expected to be able to communicate with their clients and/or corporate governance systems through different electronic channels, and to provide data to the authority. IMPERIUM LIMS provides the necessary communication solutions by calling a web service, file-based communication or custom solution. Entering test requests into the measuring equipment and manually processing the results is resource-intensive, which can be significantly reduced by integrating the measuring equipment with the laboratory system while minimizing the possibility of human error. IMPERIUM LIMS is not only capable of transferring test requests and receiving results, but also allows for the continuous collection of other data. (for example: tracking the temperature of a sample storage room.) Forwarding certain tests to an external laboratory is a cost-effective solution, while at the same time making the process of sample handling, accounting and result processing more complex. IMPERIUM LIMS has a lot of forward related features. You can further increase customer satisfaction by providing direct access to your system to your customers, so they can directly submit test requests or download reports via the IMPERIUM LIMS web service client interface.